Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Client Pet Peeves

1. Picking up their phone before you enter their office and pretending to make a call.

2. Answering their phone in the middle of an interview and not just saying “I’ll call you back” but getting into an issue with whoever called while you sit there awkwardly.

3. Bob telling you that he doesn’t deal with "that" Margaret does, then you talk to Margaret and she says Suzie deals with "it", then you talk to Suzie and she says Bob deals with "it".  

4. Clearly BS'ing an answer.  Ex. You “Why did sales go down?”, Client “Because of the economy”, You “Do you have any documentation to substantiate that?”, Client “No”.

5. Making comments like “oh no, the auditors, ugh not again!”.  Yes we come every year, get used to it.  FYI we’re also human beings so please treat us as such. 

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